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Domestic and commercial: Our maids work as well in your home as in your company.
Flexible services: According to your needs, you can choose from our flexible services:
- regularly (daily, weekly, etc)
- occasionally (spring cleaning, etc)
- spontaneously (if work is getting too much, sickness, etc)
- special events (before, or after parties, weddings, moving, etc)
Einfach Edel’s service in detail:
Kitchen: Cleaning and polishing of countertops, putting dishes in and out of the dishwasher, cleaning of microwave, mopping the floor.
Restroom: Cleaning and desinfecting of sanitation, mopping the floor, cleaning of mirrors, polishing of faucet and fixtures.
Rooms: Cleaning up, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, emptying of dustbins, making the beds.
Extras: Our cleaning ladies help out in your household: Running errands for you; like going to the supermarket, cooking, doing the laundry, etc.
Ask us about our individual offers: Basis (basic), Standard, Extra or Pauschal (all-inclusive).
Airy and friendly modern livingroom Service

Contact us: Tel. 069-57706020 | Mobile 0176-70421016 |
Einfach Edel Reinigungsservice, Haus 2, Westerbachstr. 47, 60489 Frankfurt am Main
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